3 Things Your Local Florist Shop Wants You to Know

floristshopThe literal and symbolic beauty of flowers has captivated the eyes, hearts, and minds of mankind for thousands of years. In fact, the history of spring flower arrangements dates as far back as Ancient Egypt, where the first documented flower arrangement ideas and elaborate displays were found. The Egyptians — known for their fixation with beauty — not only used flowers in their elaborate grooming rituals, but used flowers in religious ceremonies, during burials, and of course simply for decoration.

Fast forward to today, and the U.S. florist industry is estimated to generate a whopping $7 billion in revenue each year, with no signs of slowing down. In fact, between 2009 and 2014, it’s estimated the U.S. florist industry grew by 0.6% each year — and it’s easy to see why. Simply put, America loves flowers.

Flowers have become an integral part of American culture and society, and are used not only to add beauty to a space or person, but as a means of communicating and invoking deep emotions. From choosing a corsage for prom, to creating festive spring bouquets, to deciding what wedding table flowers will be used, flowers play an important role in events and ceremonies across the country and world wide. Most recently, florists in Baltimore MD were especially busy creating and in some cases even donating beautiful flower arrangements in honor of the death of Freddie Gray.

The necessity and popularity of flowers is highlighted by the fact that there are an estimated 36,613 florist shops in the U.S. Whether you’re working with a florist in Baltimore MD or one on the bayou, florists have a few tricks up their sleeve to keep their flowers in tip top shape.

Here are a few things your neighborhood florist shop wants you to know to get the most out of the floral arrangement they worked so hard to create.

Put the scissors down

If you need to trim your flowers, use a sharpened, non-serrated knife to cut about an inch off from the bottom of the stems. It’s important to do this at a 45-degree angle in a bowl or sink of water to prevent air from entering the stem. This can age your flowers and cause them wilt prematurely.

Feed your flowers

The flower food packets provided by your florist shop will work wonders to keep your flowers looking fresh, but did you know adding a pinch of sugar and a copper penny to the vase adds vital nutrients? In addition, the copper acts as a mild antibacterial agent. Surprisingly, Aspirin has also been known to mimic the nutrient-delivering power of flower packets, and even a touch of vodka can slow wilting.

Don’t just water, mist

You may have noticed how your local florist shop lightly mists their bouquets throughout the day. This is done to keep flowers looking fresh, as the stems aren’t the only place where flowers absorb water. Lightly misting your flowers will give them a much needed drink and extend their life and beauty. This is a easy, simple trick that florists in Baltimore MD and all over the country — and world for that matter — use in order to keep their arrangements fresh and lush.