341 S. Marlyn Avenue – Essex
100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Same Day Delivery Same Day Delivery on most orders received by 11am and local funeral homes by 2pm!

Ble Hawaii Garden

Ageratum Blue Hawaii

Blue is a beautiful color to add to your summer garden, but saddly the choices of blue annuals are very limited.  Our Blue Hawaii varitety of Ageratum is one of the most long lasting varieties of Ageratum and, with proper care, should satisfy your love of blue until the first frost of fall.  These fluffy blue button like flowers love sunshine, tolerate heat and drought, are deer resistant, and attract butterflies.  While they prefer full sun, if your garden gets some shade-especially in the afternoon, they wil be fine.  You will want to plant them about 6″ apart to allow for the plant to spread. They will grow approximately 5″ to 6″ tall and are perfect for boarders.  Keep you garden neat and encourage new blooms by removing the dead flowers regularly.


341 S. Marlyn Ave. | Essex, Maryland 21221


Monday – Friday (9:00am – 5:00pm)
Saturday (9:00am – 4:00pm)
Sunday (10:00am – 4:00pm)
Mothers Day Hours
May 11th (9:00am – 5:00pm)
May 12th (10:00am – 4:00pm)

We offer daily delivery to over 100 zip codes including: Dundalk, Essex, Middle River, Perry Hall, White Marsh, Rosedale and Baltimore.  

Same day delivery on most orders received by 11:00am, local funeral homes by 2:00pm.