What Flower Shops Wish You Knew About The Gift Of Flowers

Feature image with article title - young woman in a flower shop arranging flowers

You may want to give flowers as a gift, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you know exactly what you’re giving in the first place. While flowers have been given for centuries, many people have lost sight of the concepts behind giving flowers. This is especially true if you order flowers without first consulting with florists. Florists don’t simply sell flowers; they come to understand them, both in terms of what they represent and in terms of how to care for them. After all, there isn’t much of a point in ordering flowers if they’re going to die prematurely.

With that being said, let’s look into some of the things that florists and flower shop owners, in general, wish that you knew about giving flowers.

1. Different Flowers Require Different Types of Care

Not every flower can simply be put in a vase of water and survive more than a day. Some cut flowers require more care in order to stay fresh longer. Often, you can add nutrients that will allow a cut flower to survive longer in water.

Some cut flowers require more care in order to stay fresh longer.

Other times, people choose to buy potted flowers so that they can last for the long term. No matter what, make sure that you consult with your florist about how to ensure that your flowers last as long as possible.


2. Flowers Have A Language

Yes, there is something to the secret language of flowers. The language of flowers is centuries old. Although not everyone will understand the messages behind flowers instantly, they can still look up what kind of message that you’re sending with your flowers. You wouldn’t necessarily want to send “get well soon” flowers to someone you’re interested in. Luckily, many florists can help you craft a beautiful message through flowers.

3. Flowers Can Fit Every Budget

Despite the fact that flowers are popular gifts, with 92% of women reporting that they could remember the last time they received such a gift, some people balk at the idea of ordering them because they are seen as expensive. You don’t have to break the bank when buying flowers. There is a flower for every budget, and an experienced florist can help you choose the right bouquet.

Don’t let nervousness get in the way of ordering flowers. Florists exist for a reason and are here to help on every level. If you have any questions, get in touch with our team today so we can help you pick the perfect flower gift!